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Igus (India) Pvt Ltd

igus Fixed Flange Bearings Become Intelligent

Expensive machine and vehicle breakdowns due to undetected faults in heavy-duty fixed flange bearings: these will soon be a thing of the past thanks to a new generation of two- and four-hole fixed flange bearings. Their special feature is…

Igus Linear Guides For Spice Vending Machine

The young engineers support (yes) programme, supports a student project at EMAG LaserTec GmbH with drylin W linear systems Curry instead of cola! Five students from Heubach, together with engineers and trainees from EMAG LaserTec GmbH,…

New Xiros Film Guide Roller For Labeling Technology

Xiros polymer ball bearings are lubrication-free,maintenance-free, hygienic and have a very low breakaway torque. Due to these specifications,they are mainly used in the field of packaging and food technology. As fully assembled systems…