How IND780 batch Improves Accuracy in Manual Batching – METTLER TOLEDO

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In manual batching, quality and consistency are everything. Consistent recipe creation and adherence to safety standards and regulations are the hallmark of any successful manual batching control operation.

At METTLER TOLEDO, we know you’re looking to create manual efficiency and cut costs without sacrificing quality. Look no further. We are proud to introduce the new IND780 batch. This new controller provides the consistency you need by providing manual batch support. In any industry that requires manual batching, whether food and beverage, chemical, or plastics, your operators now can rely on IND780 batch for high quality, consistent output and less waste. IND780 batch guides operators through each step of the process from recipe selection to batch completion.

With the intuitive IND780 batch tool, users can create and modify recipes on a PC and upload them to multiple terminals via an Ethernet connection. This provides the necessary flexibility that is key in manual batching and dispensing.

Additional flexibility is provided by soft keys on the terminal keypad. These soft keys can be used to navigate the data display and start a recipe. Operators can also enter information using a corded keyboard or a barcode scanner. Permission levels can be programmed to provide added surety that recipes are not being modified.

Every ingredient is displayed onscreen and verified to handle material transfers with SmartTrack. This makes it easier to hit material targets without exceeding recipe limits. At the end of each step, operator input is required to advance to the next recipe step. Batches can also be adjusted if a measurement is out of tolerance before moving on to the next step. This limits errors and waste and promotes high quality.

The latest addition to METTLER TOLEDO’s batch control line, the IND780batch controller, can help improve your small- to mid-sized batching operations to minimize material waste, improve batch quality and yield increased profits. Learn more about how IND780batch from METTLER TOLEDO can improve your manual batching processes today.

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